
If you've come to the solutions page, we're guessing you're looking for answers to at least one of the following questions:
  1. What is DataJoe? Simple answer, please.  
  2. What are DataJoe's Software Components? 
    1. DataJoe is a Web-based, not a "shrink-wrapped" solution 
    2. Data Management Tools (Database) 
    3. Research/Survey Tools
    4. Voting/Ballot Management Tools
    5. Design/Print Publishing Tools
    6. Online List Publishing Tools
    7.  Online Public Records Publishing Tools
  3. What kinds of publications do you work with?
  4. What problems do you solve?  
  5. What products would I use DataJoe to create/manage?
  6. What kinds of results do people get from using your software/services? 
  7. What are the software components and objectives of the different DataJoe Modules? 
  8. What do you charge?
  9. Who are your major clients?